treehouse brooklyn 430 graham ave brooklyn, new york 11211

treehouse brooklyn 430 graham ave brooklyn, new york 11211

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


spring! it's spring! tra-la-la! we survived to see blossoms a-bloomin'

and some of you feared this day would never come, but never fear
tree friends,

are back

kayte terry's book
reverse-applique bird

Sun March 29 Applique Workshop with Kayte Terry

you have a closet full of boring clothes that are begging for
more personality? Then appliqué is the craft for you! Learn how
to add beautiful reverse appliqué to a pair of jeans, a skirt,
a jacket or anything else you can think of. You supply the clothes
and we'll teach you everything you need to know to reverse appliqué.

Kayte Terry is a stylist and author living in Brooklyn. Her first
book, Complete
was published in 2008 and she has a new book
Your Way
with Chronicle Books coming out next fall. Her
popular design website is
Sun. March 29 6:30-8:30 $40

erin weckerle's purldrop mittens

Thursdays, April 2 & 9 Intro to Knitting with Erin Weckerle

Knitting is knotty fun in Spring! for knitting newbies..!

The Lovely Erin Weckerle of Sodafine and Purldrop fame, and our
fabulous cohort in the fashion show finale at Williamsburg Fashion
Weekend is a knitting and crocheting diva, and is gracing treehouse
with her amazing knitting skills! Always wanted to learn to knit
but didn't know where to begin? Then this 2-part class is the
way to go! Come get armed with knitting knowledge in this super-intensive
workshop. learn cast-on, cast-off, knit stitch , purl stitch and
increasing and decreasing too!....don't despair, pretty soon you'll
be knitting like a pro!

(supplies can be purchased at treehouse, or you an bring your

Thurs. April 2 & 9, 6:30-9pm

April 5th Junk to Jewels with Siri Wilson

Ever wonder what to do with all those beads and baubles from Grandma's
closet? Or do you need yet another reason to keep hoarding broken
necklaces and single earrings? Well here's your answer! In just
one two hour session you'll learn how to restring and clasp necklaces
and bracelets on silk and nylon thread. You'll learn the basics
of jump ring usage, as well as chain layering and clasping. All
this will be done with cut apart treasures and loose bead findings.
We'll provide the know how and lotsa junk, feel free to bring
your own baubles as well. Treehouse's own Siri will show you how
it's done!

Sunday April 5th 6:30-8:30 $40

April 16th Embroidery with Cal Patch of Hodgepodge

The lovely Cal Patch is back in the trees with her fabulous embroidery
skills and that loveable sidekick Gertie too. In this one session
extravaganza, you'll learn 12 classic embroidery stitches and
be off and running to custom-decorate everything you own! After
making a basic stitch sampler, Cal will help you visualize planning
your own personal project. All supplies included ...including
tasty treats!...Stitch away!

Thursday, April 16th 6:30-8:30

p.s. all of our classes take place in the treehouse, sometimes
during business hours. because of this, the classes are kept small
so that everyone can participate (usually 4-6 people per class).

once a class fills up, we'll start a waiting list for the next

Vas brought down the house at Williamsburg Fashion Week!

preggers dreiky caprice  in Sirius* for treehouse outfit and bling

pic from our fashion show with sodafine and tom tom magazine.
many more pics on flickr)

Can't believe it's been over a month since the fashion show.
Still reeling from the amazement. An all-female percussion-based
group was created for the event, and is living on, now named Chica
...go check 'em out! Thanx again to everyone involved,
and there's lotsa great picks and video on the treehouse
and the sodafine

BTW, our clothing SALE
is STILL going strong,
and is 30%
off vintage clothes
, and now 25%
off new designer
....and because we're crazy and
crave more space for new goodies....wait for it....vintage
winter clothes is now 50% OFF
So get that piece you were coveting before it's gone forevers!
And we've started putting out some spring wares... they're on
sale too! Already a few beautiful spring frocks have found new
happy homes...but there's more treasures in the trees with your
name on them!

kisses from the branches, and reaching for the stars,
siri treehouse*

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