Please show your support of the preservation of Williamsburg's Domino Sugar refinery buildings. On June 27th Community Board 1 will be holding a joint meeting of the ULURP and Waterfront Committees. It's important that members and supporters of WPA come out to support the preservation of the historic buildings at the Domino site. Currently, the site is slated for residential redevelopment, but no commitment has been made to preserve and incorporate the historic buildings at the site into a residential development. WPA believes that there is ample opportunity at Domino for preservation and new development that meets the community's goals for open space and affordable housing as well. It is very important to have lots of residents at the meeting. If you can't attend please send a letter with your comments to Community Board 1 at the address below. Feel free to pass this email along to other fans of the buildings.
The meeting is at the CB1 offices, 435 Graham Avenue (corner of Frost), 6:30 PM